
Part #: DLC00001

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SKU: DLC00001 Category:


DLC00001 Product Manual

The DLC00001 is a Dual Loop Controller, is a full featured, DIN rail mounted, dual input PID controller. The DLC is designed as a modular building block for multi-zone process control applications. The controller has two independent “A” & “B” input channels. Each channel’s input can be configured to accept a wide range of thermocouple, RTD, 0-10 V, 0/4-20 mA, or resistive signals. Each channel can also be configured to extract the square root of the input in both process voltage or process current modes for applications such as flow measurement using a differential flow sensor.

Channel B can be assigned as a Remote Setpoint for Channel A. The two time-proportioning or DC Analog outputs can be programmed to control two independent processes. The two alarms per channel can be configured for various alarm modes, or provide a secondary control output for heat/cool applications.

The control and alarm outputs are N channel open drain MOSFETs capable of switching up to 1 Amp DC. For applications requiring larger loads or A/C loads, several DIN rail mount relays are available.

The controller operates in the PID Control Mode for both heating and cooling, with on-demand auto-tune, that establishes the tuning constants. The PID tuning constants may be fine-tuned through the serial interface. The controller employs a unique overshoot suppression feature, which allows the quickest response without excessive overshoot. The controller can be transferred to operate in the Manual Mode, providing the operator with direct control of the output, or the On/Off Control Mode with adjustable hysteresis.

The controller’s high density packaging and DIN rail mounting saves time and panel space. The controller snaps easily onto standard top hat (T) profile DIN rails.

  • Dual Loop Controller with RS-485 Modbus™
  • Modular Building Block for Multi-Zone Process Control
  • Two Independent PID Control Loops
  • PID Control with Reduced Overshoot
  • Universal Inputs accept TC, RTD, 0-10 V and 0/4 to 20mA
  • On Demand Auto-Tuning of PID Settings
  • Windows™ Configuration Software


Additional information

Weight 0.66 lbs


DLC Product Manual


POWER: 18 to 36 VDC, 13 W (4 W if +24 VDC Output excitation is unused)
24 VAC, ±10% 50/60 Hz, 15 VA (7 VA if +24 VDC Output excitation is unused)
Must use a Class 2 or SELV rated power supply.

+24 VDC OUTPUT POWER: 24 VDC, +15%, -5%, 200 mA max

MEMORY: Non-volatile memory retains all programmable parameters.

Sample Time: 100 msec (9.5 Hz)
Failed Sensor Response: Open or shorted (RTD only) sensor coils
indication, error code returned in Process Value
Common Mode Rejection: >110 dB, 50/60 Hz
Normal Mode Rejection: >40 dB, 50/60 Hz
Temperature Coefficient: 0.013%/°C
Overvoltage: 50 VDC max
Step Response Time: 300 msec typ., 400 msec max

Types: T, E, J, K, R, S, B, N, C, linear mV
Input Impedance: 20 MΩ
Lead Resistance Effect: 0.25 µV/Ω
Cold Junction Compensation: Less than ±1°C typical (±1.5°C max) over
0 to 50°C ambient temperature range or less than ±1.5°C typical (2°C
max) over -20 to 65°C maximum ambient temperature range.
Resolution: 1° or 0.1° for all types except linear mV (0.1 or 0.01 mV)

Type: 2 or 3 wire
Excitation: 150 µA
Lead Resistance: 15 Ω max
Resolution: 1 or 0.1° for all types

TEMPERATURE INDICATION ACCURACY: ± (0.3% of span, +1°C). Includes NIST conformity, cold junction effect, A/D conversion errors, temperature coefficient and linearization conformity at 23 °C after 20 minute warm up

Type: RS485; RTU and ASCII MODBUS modes
Baud: 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, and 38400
Format: 7/8 bits, odd, even, and no parity
Transmit Delay: Programmable: See Transmit Delay explanation.
Transmit Enable (TXEN): (primarily for 20 mA loop converter) opencollector VOH = 10 VDC max, VOL = 0.5 VDC @ 5 mA max current limit

A/D CONVERTER: 16 bit resolution

Type: Non-isolated switched DC, N Channel open drain MOSFET
Current Rating: 1 A max
VDS ON: 0.3 V @ 1 A
Offstate Leakage Current: 0.5 mA max

Control: PID or On/Off
Output: Time proportioning or DC Analog
Cycle Time: Programmable
Auto-Tune: When selected, sets proportional band, integral time, derivative
time values, and output dampening time
Probe Break Action: Programmable

ALARM: 1 or 2 alarms
Manual (through register/coil)
Absolute High Acting (Balanced or Unbalanced Hysteresis)
Absolute Low Acting (Balanced or Unbalanced Hysteresis)
Deviation High Acting
Deviation Low Acting
Inside Band Acting
Outside Band Acting
Reset Action: Programmable; automatic or latched
Standby Mode: Programmable; enable or disable
Hysteresis: Programmable
Sensor Fail Response: Upscale

COOLING: Software selectable (overrides Alarm 2).
Control: PID or On/Off
Output: Time proportioning or DC Analog
Cycle Time: Programmable
Proportional Gain Adjust: Programmable
Heat/Cool Deadband Overlap: Programmable

Control or retransmission, programmable update rate from 0.1 sec or 1 to 250 sec
Step Response Time: 100 msec

Operating Temperature Range: -20 to +65°C
Storage Temperature Range: -40 to +85°C
Operating and Storage Humidity: 85% max relative humidity,
noncondensing, from -20 to +65°C
Vibration to IEC 68-2-6: Operational 5 to 150 Hz, 2 g
Shock to IEC 68-2-27: Operational 30 g
Altitude: Up to 2000 meters

CONSTRUCTION: Case body is black high impact plastic. Installation
Category I, Pollution Degree 2.

CONNECTIONS: Wire clamp screw terminals. Removable terminal blocks.

MOUNTING: Snaps on to standard DIN style top hat (T) profile mounting
rails according to EN50022 -35 x 7.5 and -35 x 15.

WEIGHT: 10.5 oz. (298 g.)